World’s fastest distributed database

Oxla is a next-gen OLAP database, offering lightning-fast data processing and efficiency. Thanks to its all-in-one architecture, Oxla is everything you need to elevate your analytical capabilities to an unprecedented level.

Fast analytics

Oxla shines in both real-time processing and handling large, complex queries

Deploy in minutes

A seamless deployment that runs stand-alone, without external dependencies

Easy data insertion

Oxla manages both small and large data insert operations autonomously

PostgreSQL compatible

Our network protocol and SQL dialect are compatible with PostgreSQL


Discover the Benefits of Oxla

Oxla redefines  efficiency in data processing. With its lean architecture, it minimizes resource usage while maximizing performance, offering a budget-friendly solution without sacrificing speed or capability.

Speed beyond expectations

Oxla sets new standards in data processing speed. Engineered for rapid query execution, it delivers top-tier performance for both real-time and complex data analysis, ensuring your analytics run faster than ever.

Radically vectorized query engine

Heavily vectorized data processing pipelines resulting in a decreased need for RAM.

Minimalistic memory bandwidth

Optimizing data size transferred between CPU and memory at every processing step.

Dynamic execution strategy selection

Making strategy decisions on the fly based on the actual data being processed.

Designed for modern hardware

Oxla is built using architecture with modern advances and hardware in mind.

Maximize Value, Minimize Expense

Oxla redefines cost efficiency in data processing. With its lean architecture, it minimizes resource usage while maximizing performance, offering a budget-friendly solution without sacrificing speed or capability.

Decoupled storage and compute

Scale what you use: data storage is independent from computing.

Dynamic cluster scaling

Scale your processing power depanding on your current need.

State-of-the-art data compression

Enjoy low storage usage thanks to most modern achievements in data compression.

Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

With efficient performance Oxla uses many times less power than standard solutions.

Hassle-Free Setup, Immediate Results

Embrace the simplicity of Oxla’s single-binary application. No complex architecture, no intricate configurations – just install and start exploring high-speed analytics, accessible to users of all expertise levels.

Single-binary deployment

No need for external components like Zookeeper or Kafka. Just Oxla + storage.

Plug-and-play performance

No knobs to tweak. Start the server and enjoy state of the art performance

PostgreSQL compatible

Enjoy tools you like thanks to our support of PostgreSQL protocol and SQL dialect.

Versatile deployment options

Wherever you need to process data—be it on your laptop, in a private data center, or in the cloud – you can use Oxla.

Oxla vs Snowflake

Maximize Speed, Minimize Expense

Dedicated data analytics that provides 10x faster execution of analytical queries than current state of the art solution








Query suite processing time

62.1 s
15.43 s

Oxla's design optimizes for modern hardware capabilities, including multi-core architectures, delivering superior performance compared to traditional analytical databases that were designed over a decade ago and fail to utilise these advancements.


Oxla Performance on Star Schema Benchmark

Witness our performance and efficiency in the industry standard Star Schema Benchmark comparison


faster operations compared to existing solutions


faster when aggregated data is relatively large

Processing Time

Experience a new level of efficiency with Oxla. Our data platform is engineered for lightning-fast query processing, allowing you to analyze massive datasets with ease


faster operations


lorem ipsum

Speed of data processing

Resutls from 2024-03-30
Get Oxla for free

Jacek Migdał

Co-founder at Quesma former Sumo Logic

The focus on rapid scalability, effective joins, and stamina in the competitive data warehouse space caught my attention. As the first investor, I witnessed three years of hard work culminate in Oxla's impressive benchmark data—five times faster JOINs than Clickhouse and two times faster GROUP BYs.

Use cases

Empowering data driven industries

The flexibility of Oxla makes it an ideal solution for a wide range of applications in today's technology-driven industries.


Business Inteligence

Automotive Industry

Supply Chain Management

Energy Management

Machine Learning

Online Gaming

Financial Services

E-commerce Optimization

Environmental Monitoring

User behavior analytics

Fraud prevention

Real Estate Management

Pharmaceutical Research

Retail Analytics



Transportation and Logistics

Marketing Analytics


Check out the deployment options

Depending on your preferences and needs, you can run Oxla locally or choose one of our cloud-based options.


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Dive into the latest trends, tricks and tips, and in-depth articles prepared by Oxla's experts. Whether you're a seasoned data professional or just getting started, find valuable information to stay ahead in the dataverse!